InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewMy ENERGY GROUP / HIGHER SELF CHANNELED MESSAGESQuick Links to Channeled Messages from my Energy Group /Higher Self— by Alan Lew.Feb 18, 2021Feb 18, 2021
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan Lew“Take It Easy” — The Best Advice to Know Your “Self”When you take it easy you flow with the positive and expansive truth of the universe.Sep 29, 2021Sep 29, 2021
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewHow to Create the Best Story of Your LifeSimplify beyond words. Use as few words as possible in your story.May 13, 20222May 13, 20222
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewOur Every Breath is the Miracle to Channel Higher IntelligenceThis simple technique may help you tap the infinite to channel your Higher Self and other dimensional beings.Jun 2, 20223Jun 2, 20223
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewUnlock Your Subtle Body to Change Your LifeUse the power of your subtle body to change your life and your planet.May 23, 20221May 23, 20221
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewThis is Your Dharma — With It You Will Change Your WorldHow to balance your Higher-Self & Lower-Self to be the best you and help make a better world for places like Ukraine.Mar 13, 20222Mar 13, 20222
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewNow is the Time to Go BeyondGate, gate, paragate, parasamgate — That is Liberation!Apr 27, 20221Apr 27, 20221
InILLUMINATIONbyAlan LewEmpowerment Is What Your Spiritual Ascension Is All AboutEmpowerment is as much an unveiling of your truth as it is an expansion of your truth.Apr 21, 20221Apr 21, 20221
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewFor a New Earth, We Need to Create a New TimelineWe have the power to transform the planet, if we stay the course.Sep 5, 2020Sep 5, 2020
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewThis is the Ultimate Oneness of Life Vibrating a Diversity of TimelinesIt’s all about vibrations, timelines, and the play of the universe.Aug 26, 2020Aug 26, 2020
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewOur Mind is a Fascinating Mix of Multiple Points of ConsciousnessLike a flock of birds, we dispersed our consciousness across space, time, and multidimensional realities.Sep 21, 20202Sep 21, 20202
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewSurviving & Thriving in 2020, the Year of Dualities & PolaritiesNumerologically, 2020 will be a powerful year for change — to create a New Earth.Sep 26, 2020Sep 26, 2020
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewHow December 21, 2020 Showed Me What I Believe About the World[Updated Dec 22, 2020] Creating a new reality with this year’s Winter Solstice. (Q&A)Dec 11, 20202Dec 11, 20202
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan Lew“Keep this Heart Vibration to Create a New Earth”Guidance for us from the Pleiades during a lucid meditation.Dec 22, 2020Dec 22, 2020
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewVisions of a “New Earth”: Let’s Bring 5D Consciousness to Our 3D PlanetMy second lucid meditation encounter with Adelle this week.Dec 24, 20202Dec 24, 20202
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan Lew2021 is the Year of the 4th DimensionA channeled message from my Energy Group.Jan 26, 20211Jan 26, 20211
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewCOVID-19 Is GodWe are God and we are vibrating COVID-19 into existence..Aug 7, 2020Aug 7, 2020
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewThe Outer Ego & The Inner EgoA new way of communicating in the Aquarian Age.Feb 23, 20212Feb 23, 20212
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan Lew“Am I On the Right Path?”A channeled answer for a friend that applies to everyone.Feb 16, 20211Feb 16, 20211
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan Lew“We See an Opportunity for Earth to Become a Happier Planet”It is a time where many new possibilities and new timelines are becoming available.Mar 26, 20212Mar 26, 20212