InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewMeditation Explainer — The What, Why, & How of MeditatingMeditation is central to contemporary spirituality, but just what is it?Aug 27, 20215Aug 27, 20215
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewHow to See Life, the Universe, & Existence as Always Perfect in Every WayWhen Source created the ego, it created the perfect experience of separation and suffering. [updated Feb 2, 2025]Nov 23, 20207Nov 23, 20207
InILLUMINATIONbyAlan LewAbout Me — Alan Lew[Updated Nov 26, 2020] From an academic to a blogger/author on Medium.Aug 29, 202010Aug 29, 202010
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewWhat is the Pure Consciousness of “I AM”?[Updated January 28, 2024] “I Am” is the fundamental teaching of Ramana Maharshi, and it is not who you think you are.Dec 11, 20237Dec 11, 20237
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewExplainer: The Soul, Oversoul, Soul Family, Soulmate, & Soul ContractsUnderstanding the soul from contemporary spiritualist perspectives.Jan 17, 202110Jan 17, 202110
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewSpiritual Explainer: The Truth About Our 5 Types EgosWhen you see “ego” do you know what it means? — 33 definitions reveal 5 ways that people use that word.May 3, 20213May 3, 20213
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewHow to Unlock the Many Hidden “Yous” That Make You Unique15 practical ways of revealing the many “selves” of your psyche.Jul 31, 20213Jul 31, 20213
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewVisions of a “New Earth”: Let’s Bring 5D Consciousness to Our 3D PlanetMy second lucid meditation encounter with Adelle this week.Dec 24, 20202Dec 24, 20202
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewTime to Join the “Galactic Federation of Worlds”Individual membership is easy, according to one channeled entity, and well worthwhile!Dec 14, 20204Dec 14, 20204
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewThe One Most Complete Guide to the Spiritual Dimensions of RealityEverything you need to know now about the spiritual dimensions of our infinite universe.Jul 3, 202020Jul 3, 202020
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewThe Nonduality Circus — Is This an Emerging New Fad?Over 100 nonduality teachers and speakers are on YouTube these days, with more coming online all the time.Nov 10, 202215Nov 10, 202215
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewMatias De Stefano’s 9 Dimensions of Spiritual RealityA Sirius star system view of the spiritual dimensions of reality.May 21, 202118May 21, 202118
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewModern Nonduality: The Rise & Fall of the Seeking SelfIn Modern Nonduality, the end of spiritual seeking is the discovery of your True Self.May 4, 20222May 4, 20222
InILLUMINATIONbyAlan Lew5 Fantastic Free Tools to Find Mistakes in Your WritingThese tested and easy aids actually help me create the best reading experience in my articles.Oct 13, 20212Oct 13, 20212
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewRaw Experience is the Fastest Way to Nondual Self-RealizationWe know nothing beyond our direct sensory perception, everything else is faith and fantasy.Aug 30, 2022Aug 30, 2022
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewRadical Nonduality: The Fascinating Truth of “No Thing”Unbelievably, nothing exists — not you, me, or anything — there is only the awesome energetic flow of life celebrating itself.Feb 5, 202226Feb 5, 202226
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewExplainer: ‘Time’ & ‘Timelines’ — What They Are and How to Use ThemA spiritualist way of understanding and using time.Jan 3, 20216Jan 3, 20216
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewWhere Do You Fall on the Duality - Nonduality Spectrum?Duality and Nonduality are opposites of one thing, with shades of beliefs between them.Sep 26, 20226Sep 26, 20226
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewI Don’t Have to “Like” Everything, but I Do “Love” EverythingThere is no right or wrong, but right is right and wrong is wrong — Soen Sa Nim.Dec 1, 2020Dec 1, 2020
InNew Earth ConsciousnessbyAlan LewHere Are 11 Simple Ways the Infinite Surrounds Us Everywhere & AlwaysHow to know the infinity of God, Source, All-That-Is in the time & space that surrounds us.Sep 20, 20203Sep 20, 20203